The group is targeted toward technical enthusiasts in central and northern Maine. We welcome any and all technical interests whether you're into software, hardware, networking, or mobile app development.

Regular Meeting:

  • until
    Eastern Maine Community College Maine Hall Rm. 226 (map)
    354 Hogan Rd Bangor, ME

Web Projects

Contact Us

For more information:

  1. Forums…
    Visit our forums to connect with other members, and discuss your projects.
  2. Chat…
    Chat with us on #mainehackerclub
  3. Meetup…
    Join the meetup group to find out when the next meeting is, and let everyone know you're coming.
  4. Google Group…
    Join the Maine Hacker Club discussion on Google Groups.
  5. Twitter…
    Check out @mainehackerclub on Twitter.
  6. YouTube…
    Group Videos on YouTube

Upcoming Meetup